A workshop-style writing program designed to help you speak about your work with eloquence, power, passion, and clarity.


I see you, with your cool and innovative approach to the way you do your work. Refining and reinventing; connecting and caring; dreaming and doing the most.

You pour your passion into every aspect of your business, from the teeny tiny LinkedIn icon that lives at the bottom of your emails, to those artsy handmade gifts you snail-mail to new clients.

what's up,
you sexy motherclucker?🐔

This work you do is an expression of YOU—and you’re damn good at it. 

That’s a horse of a different color. 

But when it comes time to bottle that magic into a cohesive, compelling piece of writing that clearly conveys what you do, who you work with, and why someone should hire you…

Writing about yourself and your work is HARD and unpleasant. (“It makes me want to gouge my eyes out,” says one of my clients.)

But it doesn’t have to be!

Think about all the wild things you’ve learned how to do since you started your business. Tech stacks and Canva presentations and Reels and just enough html to be dangerous…

Writing (and copywriting specifically) is no different. You can absolutely learn to write about your work in a way that feels natural, sounds like you, AND gets results.


If you’re a service provider, coach, course creator, an author trying to grow your platform, or an academic who’s forgotten how to write like a human...

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get started today

Twee roof party portland semiotics everyday carry pickled keytar poutine pork belly tbh. Gochujang VHS cronut dreamcatcher intelligentsia portland williamsburg squid pinterest live-edge. Gluten-free kitsch direct trade, fam pork belly salvia DIY humblebrag messenger bag hell of roof party twee tofu. Scenester celiac photo booth twee pour-over coloring book squid before they sold out echo park palo santo la croix. 

Williamsburg paleo enamel pin biodiesel kale chips crucifix quinoa asymmetrical XOXO shabby chic fingerstache affogato air plant activated charcoal waistcoat. Readymade 90's roof party hashtag fanny pack +1 whatever bicycle rights man bun palo santo. Squid organic knausgaard skateboard, slow-carb offal poutine. Skateboard vice keffiyeh, mlkshk 90's wolf offal shabby chic humblebrag. Trust fund organic put a bird on it edison bulb food truck. 

Lorem ipsum dolor amet subway tile gochujang brunch XOXO, fingerstache williamsburg jianbing small batch hexagon cray.

More About Me

“Your emails are the only ones I want to read all the way through :)”

-Megan Naasz, CPA & Coach for Online Businesses 

beautiful emails that get opened and clicked— that you’re *excited* to write & send

...that make your ideal clients feel seen, safe, and excited AF to work with you (and don’t feel like a broligarch’s infomercial)

-Dorothy Illson, Needle's Eye Media

Or long-form landing & sales pages

“GREAT pitch! And lord, I love someone who follows instructions! It's great to be connected to you.”

 -Tara McMullin, What Works

Or podcast pitches that get responses like this:


Most copywriting courses focus on the *action* you want your reader to take—and how to manipulate your language to *make* them take it. 


It’s a living, breathing entity that’s totally unique.

And that’s why you’re struggling with your writing.

You’re stressed about getting it “right,” but you don’t really agree with what you’ve been taught is the “right” way to do it.  

Instead of spending all that energy trying to squeeze your writing into a too-tight pair of jeans…


But your business isn’t some mass-produced plastic trash (sorry, Polly). 

They’re all about the particular assets you need to create: a sales page, an email sequence; a sales-y webinar script. And they’re usually taught by one “copywriter on high,” whose methodology and swipe files you’re meant to snap onto your business like a Polly Pocket outfit.

You need to spend some time learning...

If you can string together some words that more or less make sense, and you have a blinding passion for the work you do and the people you serve…

Then you can learn the art and technique of writing that grabs attention, moves people to take action, and reads like the most *YOU* you’ve ever you’d.



A workshop-style writing program designed to help you speak about your work with eloquence, power, passion, and clarity.

welcome to...


Pay in full: $1800 USD | 3 payments of $600 USD | 6 payments of $300 USD

*click here for my my "friends of Canada" discount, designed to take the sting out of the exchange rate 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Sam facilitates perhaps the most compassionate feedback environment I've yet to experience in all my years of online courses/memberships/group-coaching-programs. My writing got better without costing me my confidence, which feels like quite a trick indeed.

Whether you're a seasoned writer who wants to get better at copywriting, or you're simply looking to DIY your own copy better, I cannot recommend The Craft enough. Expect to work hard - and expect to be transformed."

"the most compassionate feedback network I've yet to experience."


I've taken a lot of business training programs (like, A LOT) and I can confidently say that I walked away from The Craft with significantly more actionable skills and knowledge than I have from pretty much every other program... combined.
The Craft gave me a framework to write effective (and engaging) copy for my business along with the permission I was looking for to be creative again. Oh! AND I sold out my launch using the writing skills I learned in The Craft!  Now THAT'S an ROI!

"I sold out my launch using the writing skills I learned in tHE CRAFT."

You want to grow your social media presence >> 
You need captions, scripts, and carousel text.

You want to appear on more podcasts or as a guest expert >>
You need a strong pitch that grabs attention but also feels natural and sounds like you—not some bizarro Troy McClure version of yourself

You’re rebranding; introducing a new offer; have an old-ass website from 2018>>
You need offer pages, a home page, a bio, a work with me page, a landing page for your offer, etc.

You want to start sending consistent emails to your list, AND you want them to read, enjoy, and act on those emails>>
You need newsletters, Substack articles, long-form blog posts, etc.

You have a group program >>
You need a sales page (like this one)

You’re launching >>
You need emails! And sales content! And a plan! And all of the above!

You have a difficult email to send >>
You need to learn the secret judo I teach ;) Works every time.

FACTS: Literally every
goal you’ve set for
yourself this year hinges
to some degree on your
ability to speak about
your work on the

Extreme empathy is at the core of all good writing. Learning to dissolve your own agenda and sink into the headspace of your reader is a tough trick to master—but it CAN be learned. 

And when you start practicing this on a regular basis, your writing will open up, expand, and breathe. THIS is what gives writing that “oooohhhhh, yeah” feeling—not some tricksy copywriting tactic.

FACTS: All these goals and writing projects have one thing in common: the human on the other end who’s going to be reading what you wrote.


  • Your email subscribers
  • New, cool business friends
  • Potential new clients
  • Your social media followers (and potentially new ones)
  • A coach you’re thinking of hiring
  • Potential & established referral partners
  • The host of a podcast you want to be on
  • The designer you hired 

Yes, you can develop some very sophisticated prompts that will get it to spit out something half-decent. And it’s helpful in getting you past that initial blank-page panic—but it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for human writing.

If you’re using AI to help you complete your writing—especially if you’re using AI—having clarity around who you are, what you stand for, and who you work with is extra important. 

Because you’ll only get usable results if you know what to tell it in the first place. And if you want it to sound remotely like “you,” you have to be really grounded in what “you” are supposed to sound like.

FACTS: ChatGPT is a pretty terrible copywriter.

Think of one of your favorite writers. I’ll wait…

I guarantee that whoever you’re thinking of has:

FACTS: The best writers work in a community setting.

  • sat in a room (or on a zoom call) and written in silence while everyone else also writes
  • let other people read their work and listened to how they responded
  • taken feedback about how to make their writing even stronger
  • done the same for the other writers in the group
  • celebrated and shouted out the members of their writing circle
  • reached out to a writer friend when they got stuck
  • helped a writer friend who was stuck

People think that writing is a solo activity, but it’s not. If you’ve spent any time in art school or theater, you know that critique and group work is part of the deal.

Not only does that result in some very mediocre writing, it manufactures distance and doubt between you and your own writing ability. And that insecurity is one reason why writing a sales page makes you want to run away and live in the forest.

Writing is no different—but when most people teach copywriting, they treat it like a home improvement tutorial: "Just follow these steps exactly, and boom! Your reader will take the desired action!"

The isolation is intentional. 

When you show up in a community though, that distance starts to close. Seeing your own work reflected back at you through others is fucking transformative.


The way Sam shows up for her clients and community is ART. I felt it immediately.

She brings together this rare mix of deep empathy, keen observation, killer writing instincts, and the skill of editing with sharpness that is always kind. So don’t be surprised if she gets your work better than you do!  

"It's like watching my writing become more human in real time."



A workshop-style writing program designed to help you speak about your work with eloquence, power, passion, and clarity.

welcome to...


Pay in full: $1800 USD | 3 payments of $600 USD | 6 payments of $300 USD

*click here for my "friends of Canada" discount, designed to take the sting out of the exchange rate 🇨🇦🇨🇦

What You'll Learn

This program will teach you the craft of great (copy)writing. 

You’ll learn how to identify and incorporate writing devices like suspense, detail, psychic distance, and more. You’ll learn the real meaning of “show, don’t tell,” and why this is terrible advice.  

You’ll learn to harness the craft of different writing styles and how to apply them to your own content in a way that captures your reader’s attention and keeps their eyes on the page. 

You’ll learn how to cut the fluff and reveal the David underneath all that chunky marble.

You’ll learn how to approach your own offers and messaging like a copywriter would—but not just any Joe Schmo copywriter—one who truly gets you and cares about your clients as much as you do.

  • 6 foundational modules that cover the pillars of great writing, pulled from my experience as an editor of fiction and creative nonfiction

  • Group workshopping sessions where we’ll review each other’s work in a safe, supportive space

  • Lots & lots of examples from books, film, song lyrics, and yes—the internet!

  • A private Slack community where you can share your work, ask questions, and get feedback from me and your fellow students

  • Weekly copy critiques from moi (via Jumpshare video and/or written feedback)

  • (Optional) weekly cowriting sessions in between modules, where we just show up and write together. Body doubling for the win 🙂

  • BONUS: OK Computer A standalone training in which I show you how I incorporate AI into my writing & editing work without crossing any ethical lines or generating shitty AI copy

You’ll learn a repeatable, reliable way to approach any piece of writing you need to create—no matter which trends come and go, or how your business evolves over time. 

What's Included.

Mini Remix ($750 value)
After the program closes in May, I’ll take what you’ve been working on and give it a professional glow-up. We’ll also have a 1-1 call to talk through anything you feel stuck on or want my help with.



De-formalizing your writing & cutting the fluff

Here is where you’ll start to hone your voice and get comfortable with a less formal, un-academified way of writing—like what I just did in this sentence. This will create a more connected, intimate, human, *real* experience for them.

We’ll also look at rhythm (my favorite!) and why the ideas you think are awful are usually the best ones.

Week 3: F*ck The (Grammar) Po-lice

Headlines, hooks, taglines, point of view

Most writers say a whole bunch of words before they get to the good stuff. But your reader doesn’t care about all that! 

I’ll show you how to pan for gold in all that word dirt(?), so you can center & showcase your Big Idea in a way that makes them go “YES!YES!YES!” or “TELL ME MORE!”

Week 2: Shout
(Let it All Out)

Imgaintaion + Empahty

This is the secret behind writing that feels good AND sells—being able to “bodysnatch” your ideal client and dissolve into what it’s like to be them. 

That’s how you form an immediate, emotive bond with your reader THE SECOND they land on the page. It’s how you establish trust and let them know—this is FOR THEM.  

Week 1: I Feel You

Spring cohort kicks off on Tuesday, March 25th. Calls are on Tues & Thurs.

Program Schedule.

Calls to action and getting people to do a thing 

Every piece of copy has a job, and in our final module we’ll work on making sure YOUR writing is doing its part. 

This is where you’ll learn the how and why behind writing that compels your reader to do the thing you want them to do—join your email list, hit the buy button, register for a workshop, etc.

Week 6: Doin’ It

Ratcheting up the suspense to keep your reader engaged

It doesn’t have to be all Hitchockian in here—suspense just means you don’t know what’s going to happen next, and it makes for a GREAT reading experience. 

I’ll show you how to use cliffhangers, open questions, and storytelling structure to keep your reader clinging to every word.

Week 5: Thriller 🧟

Using specific details to speak universal truths

When copy is too vague or lofty, the reader has a hard time connecting with it, and they won’t take action if they don’t understand the offer. (This is a particular challenge for coaches.) 

We’ll turn to song lyrics to illustrate how to be more specific and detailed in your copy without losing yourself on a tangent. Your job is to show them the results they’ll get by working with you (kinda like I’m doing to you, right now), so they can make a fully informed decision.

Week 4: Truth Hurts

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

On our final call, we’ll celebrate all the work we’ve done, discuss any lingering questions, and talk through what’s next for everyone. And don’t be sad! Every new beginning starts with some other beginning’s end. (SORRY)

TBD: Closing Time 😥

Bonus module!

A pre-recorded workshop in which I show you how I use AI in my writing and editing work. I’ll walk you through the entire thread I used while working on this sales page, show you how to use AI as a thought partner, and teach you how get AI to be super nice to you (it helps). 

On Demand: Ok Computer (Bonus Module)

*depending on the size of the cohort, this may be shorter.

At the beginning of the program we’ll establish a workshopping schedule, so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare. We’ll also make agreements ahead of time so everyone feels safe.

Each week, the group will show up having read and thought about that week’s pieces. We’ll take 20-30 minutes per writer, discussing what’s working about the piece and addressing any areas that could use a little zhuze. 

Before our first official workshop, we’ll workshop one of my projects, so everyone can get a feel for what it’s going to be like. 🤗 

Weeks 7-11*: Workshopping

As a copywriter, I've worked behind the scenes of 6- and 7-figure launches in the coaching, online marketing, and course creation spaces, so I have a lot of tricks (and hot goss) up my sleeve. In 2024 I left that all behind—burned down my whole business, lowered my rates, revamped the way I work with clients, and created Indie Copy Studio.

As an editor, I help emerging authors develop their manuscripts from "almost there" to actually, really, finally DONE, whether you're sending it out to potential agents or moving forward with self-publishing. 

I created THE CRAFT to bridge the gap between these two worlds. 

I believe the most important asset in your business is your audience’s trust, and I'm proud to be a part of a new online mini-economy rooted in honesty, kindness, community, and slowing the fuck down—while making (and paying) sustainable wages. 

I'm an Editor & Copywriter for service providers, creatives, BIPOC women, AuDHD folks, activists, queers, weirdos, and other smart/cool people. I'm known for my ability to truly capture my clients' voice—and craft messaging that makes YOUR clients feel seen, safe, and excited AF to get to work. 

hi! I'm Sam.


If you've got a question you don't see below, contact me and just ask!
We're friendly here!

What’s the time commitment, and what will be expected of me?

  • Weeks 1-6: 60 minute calls on Tuesday; 90 minute co-working calls on Thursdays (optional)
  • Weeks 7-(tbd)*: 75 minute calls on Tuesday + time to read, jot down some perfunctory notes, and think about two pieces of writing (up to 2,000 words)
    *as soon as I know how many people are in this next cohort.

As we head into workshopping, you'll also need about 1-2 hours to read people's submissions and make notes about your thoughts, questions, and reactions. It's important in workshopping that everyone show up prepared—I recommend using our Thursday co-writing time to do this!

Will you teach me how to write a Sales Page (or an email funnel, or an About Page)?

Yes (and no?). The Craft will teach you a reliable, repeatable way to approach any piece of copy you ever need to write—regardless of where it will live or what its job will be. It’s the whole “teaching you to fish instead of giving you a fish” thing. When you’re done you’ll have the confidence to plan and execute your own compelling copy, wherever and whenever you need it.

Do I have to write something brand new, or can I use copy I already have?

Either one! It really depends on a) how much bandwidth you have to develop brand-new copy during this particular period of time, and b) what you have coming up in your business that’s going to require some kickass copy.

You absolutely do NOT have to start from scratch, but you should start thinking about what you might want to bring to our workshopping sessions.

How should I choose what to work on?

I would go with either the piece that has the most impact on your bottom line—so, a sales funnel or an email sequence—OR the piece that’s giving you the biggest headache (like your About page). 

If you’re planning a launch in the next few months, I would strongly recommend using this program to develop some of your launch copy, especially your sales page. Or, you can bring the copy from your most recent launch and work on improving that.

Will there be swipe files?

Not officially, no. I will use a lot of examples to illustrate different elements of The Craft, but I’m intentionally NOT giving you swipe files, because I want your work to sound like you wrote it—not like you just took Samantha Pollack’s copywriting course.

How much of my writing will get looked at?

During a workshopping session, the group will be able to critique one sales page, one About page, or 3-5 emails (depending on length). 

In between modules, you can post anything you’d like me to look at, and I’ll respond with video and/or written feedback within 48 hours. But if you post a 100-page ebook in there, I’ll probably tell you that’s outside the scope of The Craft. 😉

How much personalized help will I get with my writing?

Once we get to the workshopping phase, we will workshop 2-3 people’s writing per session. Everyone will have at least one chance to have their work critiqued by the group, and you can also post your work in our community space for feedback from myself and the rest of the crew. I’m pretty casual; you’ll be able to contact me anytime you need to.

In short... a lot. All you want. :)

Can I opt out of the workshopping?

No! Nyet! Nein! Part of what makes a workshop successful is the trust that is formed by letting other people see your work.

If you’re willing to critique other people’s writing but unwilling to share your own, it erodes that trust. If you’re uncomfortable about this and want to talk about it first, email me: sam@indiecopystudio.com. 

What will this help me get done in my business? (What’s the ROI?)

In the short term, you’ll have a piece (or several pieces) of copy that you KNOW are super dialed into your ideal clients’ wants, needs, and feelings, and strategically crafted to keep them reading and sell your offer without engaging in any ethical weirdness. This could translate into things like more sales, increased enrollment numbers, improved email metrics, and more. It depends on what kind of copy you bring to the program.

In the long term, however, you’ll be able to approach any future writing from a place of confidence, integrity, and groundedness—and you’ll enjoy doing your own writing so much more. Being able to write good copy (instead of spinning out over it) will free up so much headspace and energy for you as well.

It’s time to stop treating your DIY-written copy as a stopgap while you fantasize about hiring it out.


A workshop-style writing program designed to help you speak about your work with eloquence, power, passion, and clarity.